We'd love to hear from you and discuss room availability or help you plan a visit to Alabama's Black Belt region.
Call or text us 334-412-3513
If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Send an email:
Please include your phone number in your email. We always respond promptly to any inquiry, but sometimes our emails don't go through. Our beautiful rural setting occasionally comes with unreliable internet. If you don't receive a timely response to an email, call or text us at 334-412-3513.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Julia & Dudly Handly, Liberty Hall

Liberty Hall is available to overnight guests by reservation only, subject to availability. Liberty Hall is also open for tours by reservation only for $10.00 per person.
Location: 627 Highway 221, Camden, AL 36726
Liberty Hall is located very close by